Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

EU-Research Affairs, EMFF

Sustainable agricultural production is a central element of resource-efficient and resource-conserving agriculture and forestry for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

A comprehensive, rural, but modern and diverse agriculture in Germany and Europe needs a future addressing issue of growing competiveness. The global demand for commodities for human and animal nutrition, bioenergy and industrial raw materials is estimated to rise continuously. This demand needs to be met jointly, taking into account environmental protection, nature conservation, climate change and the scarcity of natural resources.

In the portfolio of the Ministry (BMEL), the BLE Project Management Agency (ptble) coordinates the relevant EU research affairs, participates conceptually in EU bodies and represents the position of the BMEL independently, if necessary. The BLE gives advice to the BMEL and German research institutions in the agricultural and food sector on cross-border cooperation under the EU Research Framework Programmes. This cross-border funding aims at exploiting synergies throughout Europe.

The BLE European Research Affairs unit work focuses on three main topics with several sub-areas:

European Research Area and research projects

Joint programme planning - JPI Joint Programming Initiatives

Involvement in boards and committees

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

On behalf of the BMEL, the BLE is responsible for the implementation of tasks within the framework of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). The Fund intends to finance measures implementing the common fisheries policy (CFP) and the European Union's integrated maritime policy (IMP). The EMFF aims to implement priorities for the sustainable development of the fisheries and aquaculture sector as well as related activities.