Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Joint programme planning – JPI Joint Programming Initiatives

Addressing important societal challenges such as climate change, food security, healthy nutrition and demographic changes, requires cross-border activities and measures.

The Joint Programming Initiatives are a transnational instrument used to realise the European Research Area (ERA). Pooling national resources intends to increase research efficiency and visibility in Europe.


  • Development of transnational, common research agendas (SRA – Strategic Research Agenda; SRIA – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda)
  • Expansion of strategic collaboration between existing national programmes
  • Establishment of new joint funding programmes

The BLE Project Management Agency (ptble) participates on behalf of the BMEL in the joint programming initiatives "JPI A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL)" and the "JPI Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE JPI)", chaired by the BMEL.

The ptble continues to take on some tasks in the "Joint Programming Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life, Coordination and Support Action 2.0" (JPI HDHL CSA2).