Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Research for international sustainable forest management

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) uses the funding guideline on the "Promotion of Bilateral Research Cooperation and Knowledge Exchange for International Sustainable Forest Management" to support research projects that explore possible solutions for more sustainable forest management worldwide. In addition, it aims to promote the international exchange between forest scientists.

Forests represent a unique ecosystem, which, at almost four billion hectares, covers around 30% of the earth's surface and fulfils a wide range of functions for humans and nature, for climate and species protection and as a vital supplier of raw materials.

Despite these important functions, their progressive destruction and degradation could not be halted yet. Large-scale destruction of natural forests continues, especially in the tropics. Poverty, unsustainable land use and weak government structures are aspects that contribute to this development. In addition, there are other economically attractive forms of use, which, among other things, often lead to large-scale conversion of natural forests, given the increasing global demand for soy, palm oil and other agricultural products.


The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is committed to changing the use of forests worldwide towards sustainable forest management to counteract progressive deforestation and forest degradation. To this end, the main task lies in expanding the knowledge base in the respective countries at all levels. Therefore, the BMEL promotes forestry research cooperation with third countries (outside the European Union) and the transfer and exchange of forestry expertise. The measures of the relevant guideline intend to pursue the following thematic goals:

  • Improving the database as a basis for multifunctional sustainable forest management,
  • Research into solutions for multifunctional sustainable forest management taking production, protection, income and social requirements into account,
  • Research into solutions for adapting forests to climate change,
  • Research into solutions for resource-efficient forest management,
  • Research into solutions to combat illegal logging and illegal timber trade,
  • Research into the fundamentals of ecological and economic natural forest management,
  • Research into the basics of ecological upgrading of plantation forests,
  • Research into framework conditions for the promotion of sustainable forest management, also for non-state forest owners, Studies on the effects of forest-relevant policies.


To achieve the above-mentioned thematic goals, funding will be provided for measures in the areas of forestry research cooperation and regarding the transfer and exchange of expertise in the field of forestry.

In the area of forestry research cooperation, funding is provided for bilateral and multilateral forestry research projects that aim to address forestry issues with a view to improving international sustainable forest management. The area of transfer and exchange of expertise in the forestry sector serve to pass on and exchange relevant expertise and practical experience to improve international sustainable forest management and to network forestry experts. An additional focus is on training and further educating young forestry personnel in the field of international sustainable forest management.

The BLE accepts project outlines for the funding area of forestry research cooperation twice a year. Submission deadlines are 01 June and 01 December respectively. Project proposals in the area of transfer and exchange of expertise in the forestry sector can be submitted throughout the year.

Further information

On 27.05.2021, the new Funding Guideline "Förderrichtlinie zur "Förderung der bilateralen Forschungskooperation und des Wissensaustausches für internationale nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung" came into force.