Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Pupils are preparing a school garden in Tanzania. School Garden in Tanzania Pupils are preparing a school garden in Tanzania. Source: Wolfgang Stuetz

BMEL Announcement: Nutrition - diversified agriculture for balanced nutrition

Promotion of German-African research projects in the field of nutrition

In 2013, the BMEL published its’ first research announcement, entitled "Nutrition - Diversified Agriculture for Balanced Nutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa", as part of the funding instrument "International Research Cooperation for Global Food Security". This call promoted research cooperation projects, which examined nutrition-sensitive food production in the target region, adapted to people’s nutritional needs. The research projects placed a particular focus on the contribution that diversified agriculture can make to counteracting malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies.

The funded cooperation projects addressed, among other topics, the importance of neglected underutilized crop species and other foods in improving the nutritional status of local populations. National stakeholders from research, extension/education and policy who are actively engaged in primary agricultural production, were involved to develop needs-oriented solutions and to contribute to sustainable food and nutrition security.

Funded Projects

  1. ADDA – Agriculture and Dietary Diversity in Africa
  2. HealthyLAND – Crops for Healthy Diets: Linking Agriculture and Nutrition
  3. NutriHAF – Diversifying agriculture for balanced nutrition through fruits and vegetables in multi-storey cropping systems
  4. Scale-N – Scaling-up Nutrition: Application of nutritionally sensitive and diversified agriculture for improved food security
  5. BAOFOOD – Improving local food safety and nutrition by promoting the use of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in rural communities in East Africa
  6. Ich liebe Fisch – Improving Community Health-Nutrition Linkages in Malawi through Solar Energy Based Fish and Crop Integrated Value Chains
  7. FoSeZa – Food Security in Rural Zambia: Integrating Traditional Fruit and Vegetable Crops in Smallholder Agroforestry Systems
  8. UFiSAMo – Urban farming in Southern Africa – improved food safety and income options for urban disadvantaged communities in Cape Town, South Africa and Maputo, Mozambique

Back to overview of all funding announcements: International Research Cooperation for Global Food Security


BMEL announcement: "Nutrition – Diversified agriculture for a balanced nutrition in Sub-Sahara Africa (PDF, 354 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)", dated 10.12.2013 (in German)

BMEL Directive: "Directive on the funding of international research cooperation for global food security (PDF, 800 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)"