Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Aims of the Internship Programme

The young professionals have the opportunity to gather knowledge and experiences in the following areas:

  • Production processes, principles and techniques in farming and plant production, in organic farming, in animal husbandry, in bioenergy and in forestry, as well as in horticulture and in viticulture
  • Rural Home Economics,
  • Business management and farm management,
  • Marketing,
  • Nature and environment conservation,
  • Organisation – and safety of work and managing of personnel,
  • Environmental and social conditions.

In addition to the professional training, the programme aims at conveying an understanding of other countries, their working and living conditions and cultures. During four to twelve months, the internship allows trainees to gain insight into foreign agricultural structures.

The internship programme wants to contribute to the qualification of young professionals and executives, as existing professional knowledge and skills are deepened through practical work and training. For participants, the internship is a basis to take over leadership positions in the agricultural sector in their home countries and to contribute to the rural development in their countries.

The participants

Eligible for the programme are university students or postgraduates in agricultural sciences. Depending on the destination of the internship, interns must have at least six months of practical experience.

The internships are usually offered by farms and businesses qualified to accomplish training. In addition to the practical work on the farms, accompanying activities, like evaluation meetings, courses, field trips, interdisciplinary exchange of experiences and intercultural training are offered. The acquired skills are repeated in interim and final seminars as well as their follow-up courses.

At the beginning of their visit participants take part in an introductory course that provides information about the local community they are staying in, about the economy, culture and regional characteristics, as well as an overview on German agriculture.

All participants receive a monthly pocket money for their work on in host-company. Accommodation and meals are free. During their entire stay, the participants are insured (German health, accident and liability insurances). Since interns take part in a training programme and do not receive working contract, trainees sign an internship agreement.