Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Long -term strategies for the adaptation to climate change

The consequences of climate change for agriculture, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries are extensive and they are noticeable already: increased weather extremes, reduced or failed harvests as well as production and performance losses in animal husbandry. Being able to adapt to expected climate changes and the resulting altered framework conditions in the long term, requires the implementation of appropriate climate adaptation measures in the key thematic areas of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

In addition to short-term measures in response to extreme weather events, long-term strategies are needed above all.

The German Adaptation Strategy

To meet the challenges of climate change, in 2008 the Federal Government adopted the German Adaptation Strategy. It includes adaptation measures of all ministries and departments in central areas such as health, transport, environment, economy, infrastructure, agriculture and forestry as well as fisheries and aquaculture.

Experts from the Länder, federal research and associations, coordinated by the BMEL, continuously cooperate on identifying and designing the measures needed for the agricultural sector.

Agenda for Climate change Adaptation in Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture

In April 2019, the Conference of Agriculture Ministers adopted the Agenda for Climate change Adaptation in Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture. It intends to adapt agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture as best as possible to the expected climate changes and to provide concrete recommendations for action.

It also aims to reduce risks for farms and companies without endangering the environment or food security while synergy effects with other political objectives are desired. Climate, energy transition, animal welfare, soils, water protection and biodiversity protection can all benefit from climate adaptation measures.

Programme of Measures to Implement the Agenda for the Adaptation of Agriculture and Forestry

Based on the Agenda, the BMEL, together with experts from the government, research and associations, has drawn up a comprehensive programme of measures to support plant cultivation, forestry, livestock farming, fisheries and aquaculture in adapting to climate change and its consequences. It includes overarching measures in the areas of risk management, research, practical transfer, breeding, species selection and provenance, water management and use, information, data management and monitoring.

Programme of Measures to Implement the Agenda for the Adaptation of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate

The programme of measures is part of the German Adaptation Strategy.

No climate mitigation without climate adaptation

Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture play an important role in climate mitigation through the sustainable management of fields, forests and oceans, because soils, vegetation and the oceans are important carbon reservoirs. Wood products also allow storing carbon in the long term when used for materials or construction. Using wood for energy production can avoid the release of CO2 from fossil sources.

The BMEL has developed a package of ten climate mitigation measures for the German government's Climate Action Programme 2030. These relate primarily to the sectors of agriculture and land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) and intend to ensure the achievement of the 2030 climate mitigation targets set in these sectors.

More information about the Federal Government’s Climate Action Programme 2030 for the Implementation of the Climate Protection Plan 2050, available at: https://www.bundesregierung.de/resource/blob/974430/1679914/e01d6bd855f09bf05cf7498e06d0a3ff/2019-10-09-klima-massnahmen-data.pdf?download=1