Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

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Federation-Länder-Working group on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture (BLAG ALFFA)

Germany faces the major challenge of actively supporting agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture in adapting to climate change. Only climate adaptation measures will ensure that high-quality food, feed and raw materials can continue to be produced in sufficient quantities.

Within the BLAG ALFFA, and in collaboration with representatives of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Länder, the BMEL's departmental research (Friedrich Loeffler Institute, Julius Kühn Institute, Thuenen Institute and Max Rubner Institute), the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) and the German National Meteorological Service (DWD), the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) develops solutions to the many challenges posed by climate change in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture.

Serving as the BLAG ALFFA’s secretariat, the BLE supports the Working Group’s activities. Aside from providing support where the implementation of the programme of measures is concerned, its tasks include invitation management, minutes and reporting.