Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Gruppenfoto in Potsdam Tag des Bevölkerungsschutzes Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Veranstaltungsbehörden am Tag des Bevölkerungsschutzes in Potsdam. Source: BMI/ Henning Schacht

"Take part. Take action" – The BLE at the Civil Protection Day in Potsdam

On 24 June the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, the state of Brandenburg (Ministry of the Interior and for Municipal Affairs), and the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) jointly organized the Civil Protection Day in Potsdam for the first time.

At the federal level, the BLE is the competent authority for informing the public about private preparedness measures. It gives recommendations on stockpiling food in the home, aimed at strengthening the ability to self-protect in crisis situations. On Civil Protection Day the BLE together with the BBK provided information on preparedness measures in one's own household at a joint stand.

Visitors were able to have a look at an exemplary emergency stockpile and were given hints and advice on how to organize an individual stockpile. Moreover, the website www.ernaehrungsvorsorge.de was presented which gives extensive information on the topic and is operated by the BLE on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

In keeping with the motto "Take part. Take action" more than forty players from the fields of fire protection-, civil protection, and disaster response gave proof of their skill on more than 19,000 m2 square metres of exhibition space. Several aid organizations, the German Federal Relief Agency (THW), fire brigades, federal and state police forces, and the Federal Armed Forces were represented on site, as well as numerous other federal and state institutions and organizations. This variety of players allowed visitors to gain a comprehensive insight into the work of the different institutions and to better understand potentially dangerous situations.

Federal Minister Nancy Faeser, Dr Dietmar Woidke (Minister-President of the state of Brandenburg), Michael Stübken (Minister of the Interior and for Communal Affairs of the state of Brandenburg), and Mike Schubert (Lord Mayor of the city of Potsdam) gave welcoming speeches.

For further information on Civil Protection Day please refer to www.TdBS23.de .