Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Buntes Markttreiben in Bali, Indonesien Markt in Bali Ein Markt in Bali, Indonesien Source: Zach - stock.adobe.com

New Announcement: Agroecological Innovations for Territorial Markets

With the research announcement "Agroecological Innovations for Territorial Markets", the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is calling on international research consortia consisting of partners from Germany, sub-Saharan Africa as well as South and Southeast Asia to submit their project ideas. The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), as the project executing agency, is accepting short project proposals until September 30, 2024.

Against a background of multiple crises – climate crisis, wars and conflicts, loss of biodiversity and pandemics – a sustainable transformation of agricultural and food systems is more important than ever in order to realise the human right to adequate food for all. It is necessary to establish locally adapted, sustainable and resilient structures for agricultural production, processing, marketing and sustainable trade, so that sufficient high-quality food and feed is produced and accessible. Therefore, it is as important to use the great potential of agroecological approaches for the transformation process as to close existing knowledge gaps through international agricultural and nutritional research.

The new call for proposals of BMEL is targeting agricultural and nutrition research cooperations among German institutions and those in countries affected by hunger and malnutrition. The purpose is to contribute to the establishment of innovative, resilient, context-specific and sustainable agricultural and food systems. This should improve the food security and sovereignty of the population in the target regions in the long term.

The research projects should develop, refine or test approaches for agroecologically orientated and nutritionally sensitive value chains and territorial markets for animal and plant foods. An interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary multi-actor approach should be pursued in order to develop feasible, integrated and sustainable solutions in the existing local context. In addition, the transnational cooperation should contribute to the development of scientific networks and partnerships and to the further development of local capacities.

Deadline and further information

Short project proposals can be submitted by the consortia’s German project coordinator via the platform “easy-Online” until the 30th September 2024. Funding is only available for consortia consisting of at least one German research institution and at least one research institution from Sub-Saharan Africa and/ or South/ Southeast Asia.

The announcement as well as further information are available here:

Announcement page

International research cooperation for global food security